Are SoundProof Windows Worth the Cost?

As the landscapes of our towns and cities continue to grow and expand, so too does the amount of noise we each encounter every day. Construction sites, traffic, and the neighbor’s lawnmower are just a few sources of unwanted noise that are not only annoying, but also impacting our health. Recent studies have found a connection between noise and stress, poor sleep, and even cardiovascular disease.

With the increased prevalence of disruptive noise, more people are looking for ways to eliminate these disturbances. Currently, there are a number of quick fixes that work to temporarily mask unwanted noise. However, one long-term investment many individuals are considering to eliminate the noise in their lives are soundproof windows. It turns out that the benefits just may outweigh the soundproof window cost.

What are soundproof windows and how do they work?

As most of us know through experience, the average residential window is not always sufficient in blocking out every day noise, let alone particularly loud sounds such as a roaring motorcycle or a screeching garbage truck. Soundproof windows, also known as noise reduction windows, are constructed in a way that eliminates up to 95% of external noise coming in through a building’s windows.

In order to block out unwanted noise, manufacturers must add mass, air space, and laminated glass. To add mass, windows are made with thick glass. For added air space, the distance between windowpanes is increased, which helps to reduce sound and improve insulation. Further, by using laminated glass, which is made up of a glass-plastic-glass “sandwich,” soundproof windows are made more effective in eliminating noise.

These specially crafted windows take into account that low frequency sounds, such as thunder or the thumping bass of a passing car’s music, are harder to block out than high frequency sounds, such as the chirping of a bird or a baby’s cry. Each variation and brand of soundproof window carries an industry rating reflecting its ability to block out noise. A higher number on the sound transmission class scale, or STC, indicates a better quality of soundproof window.

The typical single-pane window carries an average STC rating of 27, while a dual pane window averages at 28. In comparison, most soundproof windows have a STC rating of 45, with exceptional performers reaching the mid-50s.

How much do soundproof windows cost and are they worth it?

The cost of soundproof windows depends on a number of different factors, including:

Despite popular belief, however, there are a number of affordable options that make soundproofing attainable for most homes and work spaces. By working with leaders in the soundproof window industry, you’ll be sure to find an option that fits your needs within your budget. These windows are certainly a smart, long-term investment that will help you save money on energy bills, increase productivity, and create a calm and peaceful environment that enables you to relax and focus.


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