Citiquiet Explains LL97 Compliance and Penalties

Citiquiet Explains Local Law 97 Compliance and Penalties

New York City’s newest mandate for the reduction of carbon emissions is known as Local Law 97. Although this mandate was passed in April of 2019, this law is being implemented over time. Local Law 97 requirements are ordering that buildings over 25,000 square feet must meet strict greenhouse gas (GHG) emission limits beginning in the year 2024. Once these limits are met, building owners will be required to submit a report showing their carbon emissions each year after that. 

Now that 2023 is here, 2024 is just around the corner. With that being said, CitiQuiet wants to ensure that New York City’s building owners and management companies understand Local Law 97 compliance as well as Local Law 97 penalties. For all properties over 25,000 square feet, the emission measurements will start to take place in January of 2024 through December of 2024, so CitiQuiet windows should be installed in 2023. Failure to comply with New York City’s Local Law 97 requirements will result in major fines and financial penalties, which can easily reach over $1,000,000 depending on the building size.

What Are The Local Law 97 Requirements?

In summary, Local Law 97 requires that all buildings over 25,000 square feet (roughly 50,000 residential and commercial buildings across NYC) must take action in order to reduce their yearly carbon emissions to meet newly proposed emissions standards. A building can reach these emission caps by taking its own measures to save energy. There are multiple ways to reach Local Law 97 compliance, but CitiQuiet’s Local Law 97 compliance solutions are by far the most affordable and least intrusive to tenants (residents or employees). In this article, CitiQuiet will explain how to avoid Local Law 97 penalties to stay within compliance for the city of New York. 

What Are the Local Law 97 Penalties for Noncompliance?

Failure to be in line with Local Law 97 requirements will result in multiple penalties presented by the city. Local Law 97 penalties will be no more than $268 per ton of CO2 emitted over the building emission cap. If there is a failure to file the yearly report, the building will receive a civil penalty in the amount of the square footage of the building multiplied by $0.50 for each month that the emission levels are not reported to the city. It is estimated that Local Law 97 penalties for certain buildings could reach up to $1,000,000+ every year if the carbon emission reduction is not taken seriously.

Which Department Will Be Enforcing Local Law 97 NYC?

There are many New Yorkers who are wondering which department is going to be responsible for the oversight and enforcement of Local Law 97 compliance. This is a large undertaking for the city, but the results will lead to a much healthier environment for New York City residents. Answering the question “which department will be enforcing Local Law 97 NYC?” results in a couple of responses. Currently, the Department of Buildings in NYC is the entity responsible for overseeing the project, and they have been releasing pertinent information regarding the transition. However, there is also a brand new office inside the Department of Buildings in NYC which will be named the Office of Building Energy and Emissions Performance (BEEP). This new office will become the touchpoint for compliance, penalties, and oversight once it is fully set up.

Meeting Local Law 97 Compliance for Your Building: What Are My Options?

Finding the Local Law 97 compliance solutions for your building truly depends on a number of factors. New York City building owners, developers, and managers should first take a look at the age of their building. Older complexes are more likely to be energy inefficient, with leaky facades that can lead to further emissions. This may require more expensive options, which could include facade reconstruction if not monitored properly. If you have a newer building, your options may stretch to more simple Local Law 97 compliance solutions. Either way, CitiQuiet has options for your property to avoid Local Law 97 penalties.

The first option is to sit back and do nothing while racking up hefty Local Law 97 penalties. As mentioned before, those fines could easily stack up to more than $1,000,000 a year if Local Law 97 is not taken seriously. The second option is replacing all of the windows on the property, which is an incredibly expensive undertaking that takes quite some time to complete. This solution requires extensive planning around existing tenants, making this process lengthy and less than ideal.

CitiQuiet’s Local Law 97 compliance solutions that are recommended to meet emission standards in 2024 include interior window systems. Our interior window options do not require the removal of any existing windows, making the process of retrofitting your building so much easier. Our CitiQuiet interior window systems reduce annual energy costs by an average of 20% for our clients, but they also help to reduce noise pollution within your building with our soundproofing. Meeting Local Law 97 requirements has never been easier with CitiQuiet’s interior window inserts!

CitiQuiet Windows Will Help You to Avoid Local Law 97 Penalties

With 2024 fast approaching, CitiQuiet wants to remind the building owners, developers, and managers of New York City that following Local Law 97 requirements to avoid Local Law 97 penalties will save you money and help the environment in the long run. By using CitiQuiet interior window systems to reduce yearly carbon emissions, your building will be able to follow the proper emission caps proposed by New York City. CitiQuiet’s Local Law 97 compliance solutions are by far the most affordable and logical options to meet Local Law 97 requirements and regulations.

To learn more about Local Law 97, its penalties and compliance solutions, as well as window inserts, contact CitiQuiet today

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