CitiQuiet Rooftop Rental NYC

CitiQuiet Rooftop Rental NYC

Here at CitiQuiet, we have been enjoying the warm weather this summer in New York City. The best way to get away from it all is to get as far away from the streets as possible…by going up! Our office has a wonderful rooftop that we have been using this spring and summer for many community-centered events. Our employees, friends, and families have loved the spring/summer concert series that we have been hosting! Our first event was an incredibly energetic Rolling Stones and Grateful Dead night, which was followed by our Neil Young Night sponsored by Champion Elevator, CitiWindow Wash, and Glass America. Our Songs of Summer event was our biggest success of the summer so far, with over 100 guests enjoying live music, great food and drinks, beautiful views, and even better people. We want to thank Robert Post of Parity for making the Songs of Summer event such a fun and engaging experience for all!

For the longest time, we have kept our gem of a rooftop to our company only. We are happy to say that for the first time in 17 years, we opened up our rooftop for an outside event. CitiQuiet would like to extend a special thanks to Sevdet (Steve) Kukaj for contacting us about hosting the Manhattan Residents Managers summer meeting on our roof! Our first rooftop rental NYC event went off without a hitch, and we loved seeing how many people showed up for it (we broke our roof attendance record and we even had a wait list)!

Due to the success of the Manhattan Residents Managers summer meeting, we are officially open to hosting events on our roof for all! Whether you’re having a networking night or a client entertainment event, our CitiQuiet rooftop rental NYC has it all. Our rooftop has space for 150 guests, a private bathroom for the roof, an outdoor BBQ, and gorgeous NYC skyline views all around. If you think you want to have your next event or meeting on our roof, please contact for further information. If you’re not interested in hosting an event but would like to sponsor one of our events, email to get more details. We look forward to working and planning with you!

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LICENSE # 2006413-DCA